Culturally oriented Nutritional Counseling program in Chinese immigrants with type 2 diabetes

Background and aims: Prevalence of type 2 diabetes (T2DM) in China is two times than in Italy and migration flows have led to a high number of Chinese immigrants with T2DM. However, communication and cultural barriers affect treatment strategies. Targeted prevention and treatment interventions are needed. The aim of the study was to create a personalized lifestyle intervention to support Chinese immigrant patients with T2DM. Methods: An ongoing multicenter open randomized parallel intervention study (DIABETHIC Study). First-generation Chinese immigrant patients with T2DM living in Prato (Italy) with HbA1c >8% or newly diagnosed T2DM are randomized to a personalized cultured-oriented nutritional counseling (NC), or usual care (UC). Figures involved are dietitians and cultural mediators. Endpoint assessment with comparison between NC and UC will be at 12 months. Results: Out of the 35 people who met the inclusion criteria only 16 patients were enrolled (10 and 6 randomized to NC and UC respectively). Main reported reasons were lack of time, lack of interest and travels abroad. The presence of a Chinese cultural mediator trained on diabetes, the use of tools to assess readiness for change and maintain motivation, as well as information sheets in language and photos of meals were the strategies used to achieve short-term goal setting on nutrition and physical activity with enrolled subjects. Conclusions: 1. Preliminary data highlights the limits of the current T2DM treatment strategy in promoting the empowerment of the immigrant population on non-pharmacological treatment; 2. New strategies to encourage adherence to non-pharmacological treatment in the Chinese immigrant population are needed; 3. Personalized and culturally oriented nutritional counseling towards immigrant with T2DM appears to be promising for empowerment promotion (finanziato dall’Unione europea – Next Generation EU – PNRR M6C2 – Investimento 2.1 Valorizzazione e potenziamento della ricerca biomedica del SSN; codice progetto: D15E22000760003).